Well I finally became a pop-culture Internet user and joined Facebook. It is a lot of fun, actually. I was able to find some really good friends that I hadn't talked to in a while. One bad side of it... I just spent several days looking for friends.
This last month has been full of good times and bad. The winter season Day care colds are in full force. The whole family has been trying to knock off this last cold for 2 weeks.
I managed to escape with my good buddies Kyle and Peter to Solitude, Utah for a long weekend ski trip. That was a real blast... Minus the head cold that ended up clogging my ears when the flight home descended. A week later my ear finally cleared. We had so much fun, that we took just 1 picture. I'll share that later.
Some more recent pics.
always ready to smile for the camera.
Cute smile Kristina. Note that Tyler has the same hair calic in the front as me.
All the sign language training pays off in one moment. I love you too buddy.
Kristina just loves reading about Mickey Mouse.
The boy, refusing to take a nap, 10 minutes later, collapses on the couch.
Be sure to look us up on Facebook. facebook@thevincentfamily.com