Friday, April 23, 2010

Potty training woes.

We have stooped to bribery to get our kids to use the potty. We have tried stickers, chocolate, and hugs an kisses. However, we may have found their Achilles heal.

They love to play games on Daddy's phone. Tyler especially likes this balloon popping game. It has gotten pretty bad though.

Tuesday night, Tyler sat on the potty for over an hour trying to pee. When we suggested it was time to go to bed, now 9:30pm, he proceeded to cry --- no no I want to play daddy's phone! NO NO NO! WHAAAA AAAA AAAA! He finally managed to squeeze a few drops. The poor guy had a red ring on his fanny when he finally pulled himself off the plastic seat. He did get to play the game. He fell asleep during Daddy's Dragon story time though.

Tonight, Kristina had her share. She successfully used the potty before bed time. She was put to bed and story time was all finished. We were downstairs when we heard the pitter-patter of feet. Kristina heard mommy coming up the stairs and jumped back in bed. Mommy entered the room to hear Kristina saying, "I want to use the potty." Mommy said, "ok, you get two minutes." After five minutes, Mommy pulls her off the potty kicking and screaming... "NO! I want to go potty. I want to make Mommy HAPPY! WHAAAAA!"

At least they want to go. Sheesh.

Oh... and Amy is still pregnant. 2 and 1/2 weeks to go.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Almost there!

35 weeks and 2 days. Officially 1 day past when the Twins were born. She is still on her feet chasing the kids. What a Gal!

Grandma's reading time.

Helping herself to the pesto and carrots. Hmmm.

Being a Dad can be back breaking. Worth every bit!

Tyler's masterpiece. Eyes and everything. A rare picture as 5 seconds later it was erased.

To jump, or not to jump, that is the question. Go for it, Kyle! You're only young twice!

A few "special" quotes:

Amy is sitting on Kristina's bed with arms crossed - waiting patiently for the kids to stop making noise and take a nap (it has been 1 and 1/2 hours). Tyler starts singing... "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to mommy, she is angry...we're not going to sleep." Mommy cracks a grin through her gritted teeth.

@2am - sneaking next to daddy's bed - "Daddy, my tummy's hurting, I need toast."
@4am - "My tummy's hurting daddy... I need chocolate" - Yeah right, off to bed kiddo!

Both of them in unison: "Hi Grandma, Where's my treat!"