Spring has come and gone. Time to celebrate our country's independence by blowing up a small part of it... YEAH!
Here are some long awaited photos of our trip to Disneyland. (in reverse order)
What a great family vacation.
After a long day... out for the count.
That is one happy child.
Missed the whole story book ride. At this time of day Fantasy Land either has sleeping or crying kids.
Kristina and Tyler just LOVED "It's a small world"
Doing what Tigger's do best.
Kristina would have nothing to do with the 6ft tall characters.
Tyler did all he could to get a hug.
The evil witch on the Cinderella ride was perhaps a bit much for Kristina. AHHH.
cool glasses kid. (3D glasses for a bug's life movie.)
Kristina and Tyler just loved the carousel... we did it probably 3 or 4 times. About every time it came into sight, there was no getting past it.
Tyler meeting Mickey Mouse face-to-face. He walked right up and gave a big hug. Truly a dream come true.
Look this way Tyler! Kristina... where are you going?
Sugar high in 3... 2... 1...
Tyler's first time driving.
Their first Disney ride, the Jungle Cruise.
TONS of people! The first night at Disneyland, trying to get past a parade. Decided to stop and watch.
Day 1 of 5 - a family vacation!