Tuesday, October 16, 2007

9 months - big events!

Hi all,

Well the last month has been a BIG month for the Twins.

So far our predictions are coming true. Tyler, just last week, has learned to crawl. Very quickly we found out just how NOT baby proof our house is. He is getting into everything. Cords are his favorite. Somehow he knows that if he pulls hard enough, something really big and noisy will happen; say a speaker falling from the TV, a loud crash that startles the dog, a toaster from the counter, stuff like that. That is all fun and games, until he gets a new mark on his head. Tyler is still all gums. No teeth yet. He loves standing while grabbing onto the coffee table. It is probably best that he has no teeth, given the number of times he has bashed his face on the edge of the table. He sure is a tough kid.

Kristina has said her first word. MAMA. Stink'n! Well actually it isn't all that bad. Now when she crys, I can say... "honey, she is calling for you, not me". HA HA. (ok, minus 5 points for me, but it was worth sharing. I'll probably be forced to change a poopy diaper for that one.) Kristina just has no interest in crawling. She just sits straight up and watches the action around her.

They are loving their feeding times now. Amy has been busy, hand-making all the baby food. We planned our garden so that we can use everything for the babies. Our hand blender does its magic on everything we can think of. Today, they had Pumpkin and Apple, one of their favorites. It is really funny how fast you find out what they like and don't like. Kristina will shut her mouth so fast once she knows she is about to get something she doesn't like. But, bring a Cheerio within range and it is open-sesame. I'll admit, I've passed a Cheerio by, only to sneak in a spoon full of spinach or broccoli. Tyler is a much better eater with the solids. He opens so wide, that he squirts his saliva glad.


(sippy cups are cool. Just remember to lock the lid ;)

(more Cheerios please!)

(This the best... they feed themselves. No more 45 minute bottle feeds any more. Ahhh)

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