Saturday, April 05, 2008

Yummy! It's Eating Time

(swing me!)

(well... feed me!)

(what? I'm eating! What the heck is a fork?)

(hi ya.. peek-a-boo!)

(look mom, I'm helping)

(Daddy, look what I can do! What a cool sand box!)

Hello all from the Vincent Family!! We almost missed our one month posting.
Yesterday the twins turned 15 mos. For those keeping track: Kristina weighs 25lbs 3oz while Tyler weighs 23lbs 3oz. They are growing up fast. So far feeding them has not been much of an issue. They are eating whatever we eat so no more baby food puree's. This makes Mommy's job a whole lot easier. Another thing that makes things easier is the fact that Kristina is signing more and more and has begun asking for things she wants.
As you can see from the photos, feeding time is not a clean time. It is a good thing they still love to squeal and play in the bathtub. They go straight from the dinner table to the tub to story time and finally to bed. Our days are pretty much set in routine from the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed. Favorite activities: going for a walk in our red wagon, eating, playing tug of war with the little dog, and getting into things we are not supposed to (see above)
I just joined a local mom's support and play date group. I am looking forward to the first outing next week.
We've been having freakish weather - it SNOWED in late March. What kind of spring is this turning out to be? At least the tulips are trying to bloom and the daffodils are past blooming. It almost reminds me of the snow falling on poppies in the Wizard of Oz.
All four of us are battling colds. The kids have runny noses all the time and are a little more fussy than usual. The parents seem to be the most sick, who are juggling work, home, and sick babies. Now, if only I could find the source of the bug ... Gramm does not seem to be affected, thank goodness
Until the next adventure

1 comment:

Mama Monkey said...

Thanks for the pictures. I must say I'm glad our son hasn't found our "sand box"... The kids look great. They are growing so Fast!