Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday (belated for the twins, on time for me)

Can you believe they are 2 years old now? I get reminded every time they say "NO!". But really, they are SO much fun now. They are now able to repeat words that you ask them to say. And get this... they sometimes will say "Thank You" without us even having to ask... Whoo hooo!!!

The biggest achievement lately is that the pacifiers are gone! Hurray. Perhaps that will reduce the orthodontia bill 14 years from now.

They've started to run around on their strider bikes - soon they will ask for the car keys.

Circles in the house on the striders.

Hip chick Kristina!

Ready for a bicycle ride in those new shades and helmets.

They LOVE to watch Mickey Mouse... Mickey, Mickey, Mickey, Mickey, Mickey, Mickey... get the point?

What's that on the upper right? Tyyyylerrrrr!

Great-Grandpa Westlund with Tyler.

The Vincent Family.

Kristina and Tyler both spoiled their lunch with a couple feet of popped-corn string. Yummy, week old popped-corn.

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