Monday, January 25, 2010

No, that's my Mommy!

Profile shot at 22 weeks - we won't know the gender... until May.

Pony ride at Irvine Park.

Good times on the pony ride.

Loves Trains, just like Daddy.

Happy Birthday to ME!


I ate it all!

Yup - 3 years old!

Auntie Kim diving into the powder.

The Family is doing great.

They are now saying and doing the cutest things. Of course there are the total melt downs, but nothing that a little alone time with daddy while practicing slow breathing can't fix.

I just got home from an awesome Tahoe Ski vacation with my Sister and our Cousins. What a hilarious bunch. Kim is the most awesome sister ever for setting it all up. The timing couldn't have been better. A massive California storm had dumped 6 feet of snow the two days before we got there. AWESOME!

The funny things they say:

1) At daycare, another girl was trying to give Tyler a hug. Kristina walks up and separates them like a boxing referee and says... No, that's MY Tyler.

2) another at daycare, Tammy (the daycare owner) was displineing another child. Tyler yells at the child too... You get in the corner! Tammy says... "huh... Tyler that wasn't very nice" - Tyler yells to the child again... "you get in the corner - PLEASE!"

3) In play, Kristina put Tyler in the corner. Tyler shrugged his shoulders and played along. He stayed there until he got a hug from Kristina.

4) Kristina, being naughty to get attention, was stepping on the toys Tyler was playing with. Tyler starts crying. Mommy says in a stern voice to Kristina, "You need to apologize." With her head hanging low she trys to walk up to Tyler to say I'm sorry. Tyler steps away and Kristina starts wailing with HUGE tears - I WANT TO SAY SORRY! Tyler runs away yelling no no no.

5) At bed time - Me talking to Kristina and her repeating - "good night mommy" - she replies in a sweet tiny quiet voice - "good night mommy". "good night Tyler" - "good night Tyler". "good night Kristina" - "good night, TO ME!"

Tyler just loves electronics. He will be a Gamer when he gets older. He likes to play - "squash the bugs" on daddy's phone and the "paiting program" on daddy's big computer.

Kristina likes to sew her animals with yarn and water painting. She is cute when she plays with her toy kitchen. Pouring fake milk in a cup, putting it in the microwave, pushing the buttons, stands there with her arms crossed, and then gets it out.

They had a great 3rd birthday party at our house. We'll have to read up on games for the kids to play. The only one I could think of was Ring-around-the-rosey. It was a hit.

Love to you all.

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