Sunday, May 02, 2010

It's a BOY!

At 3:27pm, On May 1st, 2010, Spencer Jason Vincent was born. 7 lbs 15 oz, and 20" long.

The big day came 1 week early. Mild contractions started Friday evening and became more exciting at 2:30 am. By 4 am we were checking into the hospital. With no cars on the road, all the lights were green and we made it there in record time. Yes, even obeying the speed limit. I figured it wasn't a time for risk taking. The 1 and a half hours of sleep that Amy and I got, was, I guess, a warm up for the next 6 months.

On arrival, the ER was quiet. We were sent right to the labor ward. At check-in, Amy was 2cm dilated and contractions were between 3 and 4 minutes in frequency. After a few check-ups, the doctor came in at 9:30 am and broke her water.

Amy took a few doses of Fentanyl just a few times during the early parts of the day. It only lasts in the system for a short period of time, and isn't given towards the final phases of the delivery. That means, you guessed it... SHE DID IT NATURALLY! Holy cow! The doctor and nurses said she did an amazing job. With 9 GIANT pushes, Spencer joined the world.

I teared up a bit during some of the pushes. Perhaps it was just all the excitement, but, no one wants to see their loved one in so much pain. I love her so much. I was granted the privilege of cutting the cord. The birth of a child is a life changing event in so many ways - I still wasn't prepared even with the experience with the twins.

Amy's Mom has been WONDERFUL. She has spent the last 2 days staying at our house and taking care of Tyler, and Kristina, and the rest of the animals in the house. Kristina and Tyler were able to meet Spencer. They each proclaimed, "that's MY Spencer brother".

Enough of me chatting, here are some pics.

One happy family! Mom looks GREAT!

They're helping out already!

Can't tell from this picture, but he's got two dimples.
Many have suggested he looks just like Tyler.


Rodger O said...

aww. nice family pics jason!

Anonymous said...

He is adorable. I love how the kids are so interested in him. I'm sure they will be great helpers. Danielle

The Dow Family said...

Can't wait to come and see you guys! Everyone looks great!