Saturday, December 02, 2006

30 weeks 3days: 3.4 and 3.5 lbs

Hi all!

We made it passed 30 weeks! Our doctor is so pleased that we have made it passed the danger zone. The twins are on a healthy path to a normal birth - as normal as a twin birth can be. We will be choosing a c-section date soon. Most likely it will be between week 36 and 37. That would make the delivery date between Jan 10 and Jan 17.

Gifts are still coming in the mail. Thank you so much!

This weekend I plan on working on the nursery to get some shelves installed in the closet and get things organized. I'm willing to take suggestions on things that have "saved the day" while raising a child.

Amy is dong well. She is feeling guilty as she sits on her fanny while I work around the house and answer every call for help. It's about time... hehe... just kidding. It is actually really nice to have something other than work and Tivo to worry about.

C ya,

After 13 inches of rain for November, we had small snow storm.

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