Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hi everyone!

Well the holiday season is here! Whoo HOOOOOO!

I'm sipping on a nice hot cup of apple cider while typing this. We just got back inside from the cold December rain while setting up our Christmas lights; for the second time. I hung the lights 2 weeks ago, but didn't test them until they were all installed. Wouldn't you know it that 3/4 of all the lights were out.

The latest news is that both kids are MOBILE! Ahhhh. Kristina has just learned to crawl this week. Kristina has also learned to shimmy, while standing up, along all walls, tables, chairs, and the like. She still isn't as fast as Tyler, though. Sheesh, you take your eyes off Tyler for a minute and you know he's into something he shouldn't. One has to listen for that guilty little giggle, and then you know for sure. He loves moss from the house plants and the dog water dish. Catch him late with the water and he'll need a change of clothes. Tyler will shimmy along stuff too, but he is much faster at crawling.

We think Kristina will be the first to walk. She manages to fall/stumble between Amy and I, while remaining on her feet. You'll see on the video below.

The kids are growing so fast. They are now wearing 18M clothes at 11 months old. They each have 4 teeth. Kristina weighs in at 23 lbs and Tyler is at 21 lbs.

Amy is feeling better than she has in a long time. She didn't realize just how uncomfortable she has been for such a long time. Who needs a galbladder anyway?

The biggest news for me is that I now have a new provider for our websites. If you hadn't noticed, there aren't any more ads. Hurray. There was a time when the site wasn't coming up. That was the enough for me to change providers. I'm working on some custum applications for I now have a gallery, and a wiki. Http:// and

In addition to that, I've started work on Next year I'll be starting a LLC and perhaps get things started with a few possible clients. First things first, I have to write the software. Enough business...

Enjoy the photos!

Our x-mas letter is in the editing room. Check those mail boxes in a week ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys this is Craig and Becky,

This was a lot of fun to watch. It is so amazing to see how fast they grow up. Everyone looks great!

We miss you.