Wednesday, January 02, 2008

X-Mas Letter 2007

December 2007

Seasons Greetings Friends and Family!

It seems I’m running a bit behind this year. All of a sudden, Thanksgiving has come, and gone, and I’m just starting the yearly holiday letter. But, then again, twins will do that.

As most of you know, I had an emergency caesarian section on Jan 4th ending my three months of bed rest and bringing the twins into our lives five weeks early. Tyler Jason weighed in at 5 lbs 9 oz, 47 cm long. Kristina Amy weighed in at 5 lbs 5 oz, 45 cm long. Tyler is two minutes older than his sister (who is currently 2 lbs heavier). After ten days in the neonatal ICU, we brought the twins home on a blustery snowy day. Our lives have not been the same since. Everything we do centers around the babies’ schedule.

They may be twins, but they are very different from each other. Kristina just likes to cuddle and be held. She currently has four teeth, brown hair, green eyes and weighs 22 lbs 10 oz. Heaven forbid she should miss a meal. Tyler won’t hold still; is crawling and getting into everything. He loves it when daddy spins him in the air. Every time I think I have things baby proofed, they prove to me I haven’t. Tyler currently has three teeth just barely cutting through, some blonde hair, brown eyes and weighs 21 lbs. Heaven forbid he should have to hold still long enough for his diaper to be changed. They both love to go on walks in their stroller and they giggle at the dogs and cats when they get close (especially Stuart Little).

I was fortunate to spend the first 8 months with the babies at home. I enjoyed every minute of it. In late August, I went back to work part time. Although I miss the people I worked with in Longview, I do not miss the commute. My 90 minute round trip commute has been converted to a 6-7 minute commute. What a savings on gas alone! The new clinic already feels like home. I enjoyed being back at work so much that my two day week quickly became a three day week with alternating Saturday shifts with NO pager duty. The kids and I are lucky to have a wonderful Nanny Gramm living close by to watch the kids while Jason and I work. She spoils us all!

Jason is starting his 3rd year at Precash, Inc. as a software engineer. He is still taking the bus over the bridge to Portland every day. He feels fortunate to have found a secure position in his field close to home. In July he hiked to the crater rim of Mt Saint Helens. He was sore for a week, and lost a toenail, but had quite an experience climbing an active volcano.

Our health is great... now. I scared Jason on November 1st (AGAIN, first being the c-section, now this.) when I called him at work from the emergency room and told him the surgeons were being consulted. I went in with abdominal pain and returned home a few days later after two anesthetic procedures, one of which was to remove my gallbladder. That didn’t stop me from going to my mother’s birthday party on November 3rd and going back to work in one week. The biggest inconvenience was that I couldn’t lift anything over 10 lbs for three weeks. Poor Jason had to do all baby duty and my mother had to work five days a week. We’re all just happy I recovered so well.

Be sure to check our family web site from time to time. Jason tries to make an update at least once a month. In the archives you can review our whole year, and watch the kids grow up.

We hope that you and your loved ones are having a happy holiday season.

Amy, Jason, Tyler and Kristina.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A happy belated birthday to Tyler and Kristina!!! Can you believe how fast time goes by? Thank you for keeping the blog up to date, I check on it monthly. Hope all is well, we are getting very close to our arrival and things are busy as usual. You can check our blog for our updates whenever you get a chance. Talk to you soon!
Zhipi and Kyle