Thursday, January 10, 2008


oooo man, that's good frosting.

Can you breath mister?

The X-mas get-together. mmm Prime rib!

The kids must have been good this year.

Hi all,

Isn't it amazing... 1 year has come and gone!

Happy Birthday to the twins!
We had a great party. Thanks to all that sent such nice gifts.

There have been some big events to share with you all.

On 12/31/2007, Kristina took her "official" first steps. All those other times were really "falling with style". She now can walk several steps, in a straight line, between two people.

On 1/6/2008, Tyler took his first "official" first steps. He took to walking really quick. He has passed his sister in progress toward being able to start walking on his own.

On 1/8/2006, Kristina is now hand signing "more". As the song goes, put your finger tips together, for more, more, more. For those parents with the DVD, "Baby signing time", that song will forever be in your head. There may be reports that she was signing it a few days earlier
, but it doesn't count until Daddy sees it. HA. She now signs, "more" on just about every bite of food.

This last week, we managed to get them off the bottle. They didn't even know they were missing it. They now get sippy cups.

Tyler is now close to 50th percentile on just about every measurement. Kristina is in the 90% percentile. They are both wearing 18M sized outfits. They should be close to 24 month size by mid-summer. Kristina is 24 lbs and Tyler is 22 lbs.


Come on Kristina... that lip isn't over your nose yet.

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

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